Saturday, May 29, 2010

Now a day food has become easier to prepare has this change improved the way people live?

Food is essential and vital need of people. No one can survive without food.So; we can say that food is used to promote growth, to supply heat and energy. As Albert Einstein has wisely said,
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a diet”
Here I am going to discuss negative and positive effects of modern food.If we look upon past then we observe that people dissipate mostly their time in preparation of food. They could not store food for a long time. In this way they could not give proper time to other activities.Especetially women often indulged in preparation of food.In 21st century, every thing has changed. Today a lot of processes have been discovered to store food and prepare food. In past, it was very difficult to search, store and to prepare the food. But now as science has progressed, it has become very easy to store the food. Certain machinery has been designed that prepares the food automatically in no time. Today an advance technology is used for preparation of food like microwave oven etc.Therefore it is a time saving process now to prepare the food. It has also reduced the human effort
Though food has now become easier to prepare but the quality of food has now also decreased with the passage of time. The natural taste of all the foods have vanished due to scientific methods of preparing and storing food. In this way diseases have also increased due to the use of these stored food items. All the people have become carefree. Now they don’t care about their health. They just want to save their time by using this stored food. This ignorance has increased the disease factor.
Now it is concluded that modern food effects on man’s life in both –ve and +ve manner.

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